"The vibe is on" was presented today, the event organized by Musica and sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism and scheduled in the Republic of San Marino on Saturday 19 June from 21 to 5 in the morning, in the setting of the San Marino Shooting Club Events Area in the Ciarulla area. An event in the name of music and safety, which combines the presence of international guest stars with a rigid anti-Covid protocol. The aim of the Ministry and the organizers goes beyond mere entertainment, "The vibe is on" in fact is to organize a musical event of international caliber but it is also a "test" appointment to prove the possibility of organizing events safely in compliance with health and civil protection protocols. On stage a respectable line-up with Sven Vath, German DJ and record producer, three times winner of DJ Awards and inventor of the famous Love Parade which will alternate with Dana Ruh, Idriss d, Fabrizio Maurizi and Philip & Cole. Agreements have already been activated with hotels in the Republic of San Marino and a dedicated shuttle service that will allow to easily reach the Events Area. Tickets can only be purchased online through the portal https://www.ticketsms.it/, a portal that allows access tracking. The event will take place in full compliance with the rules of the Republic of San Marino. In particular, the Decree - Laws and protocols wanted by ISS and Civil Protection. Over 100 stewards together with the San Marino Law Enforcement to monitor compliance with the regulations. The use of the mask is strongly recommended while a certificate of vaccination / recovery from Covid-19 is mandatory or, alternatively, a negative swab performed within 48 hours prior to entry. Checkpoints have been set up in the area of the Serravalle Stadium and the Globo Office Center to check compliance with the procedures by those accessing the event. 960 tickets sold of the more than 2000 available according to the capacity calculated by the coefficient of the Civil Protection.
Federico Pedini Amati (Minister of Tourism): "As you know, I personally fought to bring dance and music events back to San Marino but I must say that the entire State Congress willingly accepted to work on the preparation of protocols and regulations to make the initiative possible. Musica organization guarantees the tracking of ticket purchases and the control of swabs (or vaccination certificates).
We will not admit abuse of any kind. Controls will be tight on those arriving in the area with alcohol in their car and, of course, on the use of drugs. For us it is a very important event under many aspects, we want to have fun and show that music and dance can start again in safety with an event that is also a test for the neighboring territories. The event will be ISO9001 certified ".
Tito Pinton (Musica Riccione): “Our group fell in love with the Republic of San Marino and the method with which events are organized in this country. Precise protocols, tight controls and the awareness of having worked well to limit the health emergency. When on 31st October we canceled the event we wanted to organize for Halloween it was because we understood that it was not the right time, today we have the feeling that by respecting the rules we can have a good event. San Marino is an independent state but the connection with the Riviera and neighboring territories is strong, this is our territory, we are really happy to be able to organize an event here and we are equally certain that it will not be the last one. I would like to thank the State Congress for the efforts it has made and the Minister of Tourism Federico Pedini Amati who put his face in it when it was time to structure protocols and regulations. As for our part, we can guarantee maximum effort and maximum attention. Our audience wants to have fun but it is also educated to do so in a way that respects the rules. Let me conclude by saying that if restaurants are controllable and also squares are, discos are equally controllable too. Dance halls are controlled and controllable and they want to get back to work ".
Contrada Omagnano, 20 - 47890 San Marino Città
Tel. 0549 882914 / E-mail segreteriaturismo@gov.sm
From Monday to Thursday: 8.15 - 18.00
Friday: 8.15 - 14.15